
Nickname: johnpitsakis95
Member since: 20/04/2019
Rank: General
Points: 5961
Pictures: 747
Likes: 3699

Camera: Nikon D3300
Lenses: Tamron SP 70-300 VC USD

065 M
003 M
27 M
34 M
012 M
7 M
313 M
006 M
554 M
555 M
069 M
009 M
7 M
Hellenic Air ForceNot specified97 pictures
Military parade 2021Military parade celebrating the bicentennial anniversary from the start of the fight for independence.1 pictures
Fire SeasonAerial firefighters47 pictures
Sort Weight Number Total
Images 5 747 3735
First registrations 5 247 1235
Badges normal 25 37 925
Badges Alliance 250 0 0
Badges Military/Warbirds 30 2 60
Badges Mayor 25 0 0
Special rewards/points0
Feedback 2 3 6
Total 5961

Dark mode