
Nickname: Avgeek.fra
Member since: 23/04/2020
Rank: General
Points: 6365
Pictures: 765
Likes: 3994

Camera: Nikon D7200
Hahnweide Oldtimer Pictures of Oldtimer 11 pictures
Airbus Finkenwerder XFWPictures of Belugas and new planes before delivery 18 pictures
Boeing 747Not specified83 pictures
Sort Weight Number Total
Images 5 765 3825
First registrations 5 176 880
Badges normal 25 53 1325
Badges Alliance 250 1 250
Badges Military/Warbirds 30 2 60
Badges Mayor 25 1 25
Special rewards/points0
Feedback 2 0 0
Total 6365

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